Kinky Giantess

Giantesses destroy tiny things

All articles tagged with "Crush"

Princess Serena has a fine ass and she knows it. She wanted to try giantess fetish so she learned how to turn losers into tiny men and then lured them using her sexy ass. Then she used the ass to crush them and transform them into little creatures. She would then have fun at their expense and humiliate them. Many would cry and beg her to return them to their former selves.

This mistress loves to use her sexiness to humiliate guys. She likes to lure guys and when they take the bait, she likes to turn them into tiny men and humiliate them for fun. Today she humiliated this guy and made him lick the sweat on her feet. She put him in her mouth and she nearly drowned him in her saliva. She then crushed him using her sneakers as well as her butt.

Madame Marissa loves to humiliate guys and belittle them. That is what she did to guys who were proud and liked to brag. Guys with ego. She met one today and she fed his ego and made him take the bait. Once she got him to her house, she turned him into a tiny man and she crushed him with her ass. She made him tremble in fear and beg her for mercy.

This mistress was pissed at these guys. She had given them a task but none of them did it the way she wanted. She did not mention anything to them. She just turned them into tiny men and she humiliated them. She used her feet to crush them and make them cry and beg her for mercy. She left them after a few minutes but knew they had learned their lesson.

Madame Marissa hates repeating herself. When she got tired of doing that to her slave, she took him for a drive and once she had parked, she turned him into a tiny man and she had fun crushing him and torturing him. She knew he would not do anything about it but would be visibly shaken and would not do anything to mess with her ever again. And it was true.

This giantess was pissed at this bitch and she had to teach her a lesson. She used her powers to transform her into a tiny thing and humiliated her. She shrunk her into a doll and she sat on her using her sexy butt. She suffocated her and made her smell her ass even as she felt crushed. When she was done, she transformed her back to her normal self and left her shaken.

Princess Serena wanted to use her sexy ass to have fun at this guy's expense. She teased him and flirted with him. She knew he would take the bait as he always did. She did not need to do a lot to turn him on and make him forget himself. She then turned him into a tiny man and used her ass to humiliate him. She placed him in her butt crack.

Mistress Julie was horny and pissed at the same. She was pissed at this cruise ship for misplacing her consignment. She was also horny as she had not had sex in a while. She decided to kill two birds with one stone. She turned the giant cruise ship into a tiny toy and she used it to masturbate. She also pissed on it before she returned it to its former state.

Mistress Pauline wanted to show her boyfriend what she was made of. She turned her boyfriend into a tiny person using her powers and she licked him and inserted him in her mouth. She humiliated him and made him piss on himself as he was scared. She threatened to leave him in that state if he was not going to change and he promised to do everything she wanted him to do.

Madame Marissa hates toy car and she does not understand why kids like them. She was taking a walk in the evening whens he came across some toy cars abandoned on the streets. She decided to crush and destroy them since she had no better use for them and she did not want to leave them there. She also did not have anything better to do so she she occupied herself by crushing them.

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