Sexy Giantess Katelyn has a little secret. She has a nightstand drawer full of tiny little men. Now and then, when she is in the mood for it, she takes out one of those to fulfill her erotic desires. She’ll put the man in her bra to squeeze him between her big boobs, she’ll put him in the back pocket of her jeans. Finally, she will eat him alive, rubbing him on her wet tongue and swallowing him slowly.
Katelyn shrunk you to an inch in size and now she'll swallow you alive - but she'll tease you with her sexy lips and mouth a little bit before eating you. She lifts your tiny body right above her mouth, opens her huge lips and gives you a great look at her sexy white teeth and her big tongue. Then she slowly lowers you into her mouth. It gets darker around you when she closes her mouth and you slide right down her throat ... this will be you end!
This guy, Richard, offered himself as the ultimate gift. He agreed to be eaten by giantesses Deeane and Gloria. The guy is as tiny as their fingernails now and his mercy lies in their hands. They tease him with their giant hot bodies and their sexy lips. Which one of them will end his life by eating him?
Celine's shrunken her neighbor to an inch in size and carries his tiny body on a thin thread. She holds him over her wide-open mouth and slowly lowers him on her tongue! Ohhh, she loves the feeling of his tiny weak body on her tongue that's easily 20 times larger than him! And of course she knows how dangerous this game is for him - but that's just bad luck, he's here to amuse and please her! In the end she lowers him into her panties and cums!
Giantess Deeane's playing with a tiny guy between her huge juicy lips. Her tiny victim is barely as big as one of her teeth and she's throwing him around with her tongue! She loves feeling the little body on her tongue and lips. As she gets more and more into it she gets more and more careless too. In the end she accidentally swallows him alive!
Giantess Deeane loves to kiss her tiny slaves - the giantess way! She just puts the tiny guy in her giant mouth and caresses his body with her tongue. Sometimes she grabs him and sucks on his body before putting him back into her mouth. But then she accidentally swallows him alive!
Frankie told Deeane about his dream to be eaten alive by a gorgeous giantess - and Deeane is more than willing to fulfill his wish! After shrinking Frankie to finger-size she plays with him a little bit - she licks his body, sucks on it and teases him with her sexy mouth. Then it's time to complete what she started ... she puts his tiny body into her huge mouth and then swallows him alive!
Kerri wants to give a group of tiny people a french kissing training and places them all on her tongue. Now she kisses a glass panel with the people in her mouth. After a while she just spits them out - but notices one missing that she must have swallowed by accident. Of course she doesn't want to go to jail and decides to eat them all. She picks them one by one out of the spit puddle and just eats them all!