Katelyn likes to tease and threaten guys in order to have them do whatever it is she wants them to do. There is nothing that can make someone do anything she wants better than instilling a little fear on them. Other mistresses inflict pain but she instills fear and it works better. She shrunk this guy and told him to give her the contract. For fear of being made to remain in that state, he agreed.
Katelyn wanted to make sure that her slave was punished for what he did. She tried to punish him but he was not remorseful for what he did. So she planned to punish him like never before. She took him and crushed him to bits. She shrunk him and made him a tiny little man. She couldn't even see him properly. When she finally restored him, he swore never to repeat it.
WARNING!!! Do NOT buy this clip if you have hemophobia (= blood phobia) or other heart problems!!! ***Fangastic Halloween clip series *** This Vampiress is totally ravenous and close to starve ! The only one who can save this Vampire woman is you by donating your warm light red blood to this cold creature. Will you offer your life for hers? Of cause you will tiny man!
You will watch this video from the POV of Giantess Katelyn’s friend. She invites you to her home. You really adore her feet and you are hoping she will let you touch them. But first Katelyn, who has already seen through your desires, wants to play a little game with you. What you don’t know yet is that in this game, you will be shrinking to a bug size. Then Katelyn will put you in her sexy knee-high- socks as you love to be close to her feet, but then she accidentally crushes you with her enormous bare feet…upsiii
Hello tiny shrunken man I know you are a little bit afraid of my giant, glossy lips, aren’t you? But don’t you worry! Soooon soo sooon it will be all over ;) Come close to get some juicy kisses. You are totally hypnotized by my lips so you come closer and closer to my dangerous lips until you get soaked into my warm and wet mouth.. guess what happens now… You think you will survive? …hahahaha
Giantess Katelyn has developed a new shrinking innovation to make her slaves even smaller then ever before. She asked Billy if she can test it with him and he agreed on the condition that he’ll be kept save by her. She agreed as well and is now entirely happy and delighted that her plan worked out so well and she adores his tininess. She kisses him again and again with her huge lips and even gives him a little lick with her giant tongue, she treats him very carefully before she wants to tell him a little secret:…
Brandon is one of Giantess Katelyn’s shrunken slaves. Unfortunately he is really rebellious and misbehaved a lot during the last days. That’s why Katelyn want to put it to an end. She tells him he will soon end up between her lips and tongue for a French kiss. Then he’ll be pushed in a strawberry, which is chewed and he’ll either be killed or swallowed alive. In this case he can travel down her throat into her stomach and be killed in there.
Giantess Katelyn is having a delicious sandwich for breakfast. What she doesn't now, there has been the tiny shrunken cafe manager caught in the molten cheese of her her sandwich. Already everyone, including Katelyn is wandering where he is, but he remains unseen, captured in the sandwich. Meanwhile Katelyn is really enjoying the sandwich. When it comes to the last bite the giantess licks the sandwich and with it the tiny man, stuffs it into her mouth and chews it well. Thus the little cafe manager is eaten alive and will be chewed into pieces. Then Katlyn swallows the pulp of chewed sandwich and little body parts. She rubs her belly after this delicious meal and wiggles her but as she knows where it all goes soon.
Nicole’s Husband is only as big as a little bug. He has had an accident in which he got shrunken to such a super small size. Nicole and him now try to still live their life as normal as possible. Today Nicole is very horny and they want to have sex like every other couple. Firstly she starts teasing him in her sexy lingerie, then she picks him up for a blowjob, but as she has him in his mouth she takes him back out again. She’s too afraid to accidentally swallow him. Then she puts him on her giant tits and afterwards drops him in her panties to have him at her wet pussy. Suddenly he’s gone… and she’s pregnant!
You’ve planned a secret meeting with me on the internet. Once I arrive at your home, I tell you I have a surprise for you, give you a smile and a kiss and put a magic spell on you, so you shrink. Now that you are shrunken I make you worship my giant bare feet. Then I tease you with my string-pussy and breasts, stand up and smile at you. I tell you, you are my slave and immortal now. I tell you to climb up my body, to lick my armpit! Then I tell you that I’ll swallow you and you will make a journey through my whole body, how does that sound?