Kinky Giantess

Giantesses destroy tiny things

All articles tagged with "Vore Fetish"

This guy, Richard, offered himself as the ultimate gift. He agreed to be eaten by giantesses Deeane and Gloria. The guy is as tiny as their fingernails now and his mercy lies in their hands. They tease him with their giant hot bodies and their sexy lips. Which one of them will end his life by eating him?

Giantess Celine caught one of her perverted little slaves sniffing her worn panties! Of course his punishment will be inevitable and extremely cruel! She takes off the panties she has been wearing the whole day, forces him to sniff them and makes him jerk off - for the last time! Then she tells him how she's going to eat him, digest him and finally shit him out. The slave's in great fear - but there's no way to escape his giant mistress anymore. She slowly puts him into her mouth and then swallows him alive!

Giantesses Katelyn and Daisy cooked some pizza - but there's one spice missing - the spice of tiny slaves! Katelyn grabs a handful of shrunken slaves and drops them all over the pizza. Now it's time to eat the pizza before it gets cold. The two girls eat their pizza and enjoy the little extra spices - they don't even care how many human lives they just brutally ended between their sexy white teeth.

Giantess Missa loves to torture her little victims for some time before she finishes them off. This tiny slave's trapped in an upside-down wine glass while she enjoys a cigarette. Everytime she takes a puff she blows the smoke through a straw into the glass until you can only barely see the tiny slave. After she finished the cigarette she lifts the wine glass and grabs the slave's puny body, lifts it over her head and then drops him into her wide-open mouth. Then she just eats him alive!

Giantess Katelyn is a sexy mistress and private scientist that has been working for years on a shrink ray that will make everything that its lasers touch tiny. After many years she has succeed and she has shrunk and entire town and now she uses her giant fingers to crush the entire population of the town including many of her now tiny slaves that do not do everything that she demands.

Goddess Celine and the devious Queen didn't decide who gets to eat you - but one of them does. Before they decide which one will eat you they'll both show you what it'll be like to be eaten. They show you their sexy mouths, their red lips framing their perfect white teeth, their soft tongue and deep throat ... which one would YOU like to be eaten by?

Katelyn and Daisy play on their Nintendos and got a bowl of pretzels with dip standing next to them - they don't even notice the shrunken people in the dip! They grab pretzel after pretzel and put some of the dip on it - and some shrunken people. Their tiny victims have to chance to escape the sticky dip and once they're on the pretzel their fate is ultimately sealed - they'll be eaten and digested by one of these sexy girls.

Celine's looking so gorgeous - but getting some love from a woman of her size can be really dangerous for tiny man. She starts by kissing the little man gently and plays with his little body using her tongue. She can easily move him around in her sexy warm mouth, but he's so tiny and so Celine accidentally swallows him alive! She feels kinda bad for him, letting him drown in her stomach juices - but there's nothing she can do for him now!

Celine's shrunken her neighbor to an inch in size and carries his tiny body on a thin thread. She holds him over her wide-open mouth and slowly lowers him on her tongue! Ohhh, she loves the feeling of his tiny weak body on her tongue that's easily 20 times larger than him! And of course she knows how dangerous this game is for him - but that's just bad luck, he's here to amuse and please her! In the end she lowers him into her panties and cums!

Giantess Deeane's playing with a tiny guy between her huge juicy lips. Her tiny victim is barely as big as one of her teeth and she's throwing him around with her tongue! She loves feeling the little body on her tongue and lips. As she gets more and more into it she gets more and more careless too. In the end she accidentally swallows him alive!

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